You might type your name, upload a picture, or create a digital capture of your signature.
Create a signature in word touch screen how to#

To skip to the section you’re most interested in, click the links below: Plus, we’ll go over some of the pros and cons of electronic signatures and answer your most important electronic signature questions. This guide will show you exactly how to create an electronic signature through several different methods and tools. With this technology, people from all over the world can review and sign documents easily.Īlthough electronic signatures have been legally viable for more than 20 years, plenty of businesses still aren’t sure of the best approach for incorporating them into their workflow.

Thankfully, there are plenty of virtual tools that can help create electronic signatures. With the continued increase in remote work and our ever more globally connected workforce, it’s gotten much more difficult to get clients, vendors, and other stakeholders in one place for something like signing a document.